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Aviation Sector General Training

World Air Transport Sector - Current Situation, Perspectives and Trends

Course Information

The training is organised in cooperation with a professional training company groUP247, which provides the administrative organisation and venues.


The purpose of the training is to impart knowledge and practical skills in the principles of the aviation sector, trends, historic development, liberalisation and the impact of the sector on other industries. The training covers the airport and airline sectors at an operational and strategic level. The training also describes privatisation processes, consolidation in airport management and ownership changes. The impact of the air transport sector on the global economy, trade and economic growth is discussed.

The training will cover the basic legal issues related to the air transport sector. The role of aviation law in creating opportunities and development in the air transport sector, and the impact on globalisation processes and airport management. The following topics will be covered: current air services market environment, global and regional passenger / freight services and the major players, the concepts related to airline alliances, types of air carriers and airports. 

Moreover, globalisation processes in the air transport sector will be described in more detail, along with airport privatisation processes, and what role airports have in the economic development of regions. Examples of airport activities and case studies will be presented. Finally, trends of global capital groups and alliances of airport managing entities will be presented, their impact on the development of the air transport sector, new marketing techniques in airport operations which actively contribute to the development of air services.


The training is intended for entities associated with air transport or those at the beginning of their professional career, as well as to personnel experienced in other sectors of transport wishing to expand their knowledge of the aviation sector.


Typical attendees:

•    Ministries of Infrastructure/Transport
•    Navigation agencies
•    Civil Aviation authorities
•    Tourism boards
•    Tour operators
•    Universities and Colleges
•    Students - Transport
•    Aviation enthusiasts


Training Type:

Training is private, max 15 attendees, preceded with a survey identifying the needs of attendees and ending with a process evaluation.


Training takes place at client offices or venues offered by groUP247. All training sessions can include professional catering if required.


Flexible hours to suit client needs, typically up to 8 hours per day, to include breaks for lunch and tea/coffee. Two training days are required to cover all the material.


The training includes a theoretical session plus practical interactive exercises.




  • Air transport sector overview - history, current environment, perspectives and trends

  • Macro-economic indicators and their impact on the air transport sector 

  • Fundamentals of aviation law, air transport policy in the EU and impact on the air transport sector

  • Liberalisation in Europe and Poland

  • Globalisation and its processes in management of airports

  • Ownership changes (commercialisation, privatisation etc.), global airport groups and their impact on the unification of the air services market. Forms of airport privatisation.

  • Airports - entities generating economic activity and increasing the competitiveness of regions

  • Social aspects of the operations of airports and airlines

  • Development and marketing of airports in the face of aviation liberalisation 

  • New airport operators, alliances of airport operators

  • Airline business models - overview

  • Fundamentals of airport marketing and cooperation with other entities in liberalised markets

  • Case study




Training attendees learn how the air transport sector operates, with a special focus on airlines and airports. Moreover, transport policy and the economics of the air transport sector will be explained. Attendees will acquire basic knowledge in the field of marketing communication, which is an important element in decision making in this sector.


Additional benefits:

All attendees will receive:


  • Training completion certificate 

  • Training materials

  • Notebook


The training courses include practical exercises allowing evaluation of the learning process. This allows the trainer to regularly monitor the effectiveness of teaching methods and refine the transfer of knowledge accordingly.

Some additional time for networking for all training attendees is assumed. The trainer will focus on selected examples from the area of activity that is closest to the attendee’s interests.

After the training, attendees will receive a free consultation package. Each training attendee will also receive an individual rebate code authorising a 10% discount on all subsequent open trainings organised by groUP247, valid for 1 year.

© 2020 by AVEO Advisory. 

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